Inscribed around the top rim of the obverse is the word LIBERTY.
The obverse features the first realistic depiction of a Native American Chief in war bonnet ever used on a U.S. gold coin. Like the other devices on the coin, the Indian figure is incuse, meaning sunken rather than raised.
The obverse features THIRTEEN STARS representing the original colonies, which are divided by the LIBERTY device at the top rim.
The initials BLP of designer Bela Lyon Pratt.
The mint year date runs along the obverse’s center bottom rim.
“UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” is inscribed around the top rim of the coin’s reverse denoting the coin as US legal tender.
The motto “IN GOD WE TRUST” is inscribed near the right rim of the reverse just to the right of the eagle’s back.
The central device on the reverse is a majestic eagle, which has traditionally been symbolic for the freedom represented by America.
The motto “E PLURIBUS UNUM,”which is Latin for “out of many, one,” is inscribed on the reverse just to the left of the eagle’s breast.
The mint mark location is just to the left of the arrow tips. On the pictured coin, there is no mint mark, which indicates this coin was minted at Philadelphia.
The eagle sits atop a bundle of arrows around which is wrapped an olive branch. Together, these two symbolize America’s military strength and readiness to defend its interests and its desire for peace.
The legal tender denomination of “2 1/2 DOLLARS” is inscribed along the bottom rim of the coin’s reverse.