1914 Indian Head Quarter Eagle

The mintage figure dropped significantly in 1914 with nearly a half million fewer Quarter Eagles produced at the Philadelphia Mint than in the previous year. The 1914 is the second rarest Indian Head Quarter Eagles in terms of its overall rarity and it is one of the rarest in high grades. Gem examples are very rare.
Both the obverse and the reverse show very sharp detail with almost completedefinition in the centers. There is sometimes weakness at the central obverse behind the ear of the Indian, but this tends to be unobtrusive. Many 1914 Indian Head Quarter Eagles show buckling of the dies at the borders and this produces a somewhat “swelled” appearance. This does not affect a coin’s grade or value.
1914 Quarter Eagle: Proof Coin Characteristics
This issue is characterized by heavily abraded surfaces. The 1914 is among the hardest Indian Head Quarter Eagles to find with clean surfaces and many also show mint-made spots or patches of granularity.
The luster is subdued and below average in relation to other dates in this series. It usually has a decidedly granular appearance. This is further compounded by the fact that many have been cleaned or dipped. This is probably the hardest Indian Head Quarter Eagle to find with good luster.
The natural coloration that is most often seen on 1914 Quarter Eagles is a medium to deep yellow-gold. Some uncleaned pieces may exhibit attractive greenish hues as well. This is an extremely hard issue to find with original color and a number of coins that have not been cleaned or dipped do not display especially pleasing hues.
1914 Indian Head Quarter Eagle Information Center
Details of the 1914 Quarter Eagle Mintage and Rarity Overview
1914 Quarter Eagle: Eye Appeal, Rarity, and Proof Coin Details