History "GREAT COINS. GREAT COLLECTORS" Coin collecting used to be called "The Hobby of Kings" because primarily wealthy aristocrats pursued it. Today, it has been rechristened "The King of Hobbies" - and far from being the province of the elite, it's a thoroughly democratic pastime enjoyed by people of all ages, social strata and income levels. Its popularity has grown so dramatically, the U.S....
Celebrities fascinate Americans. That's why millions of ordinary people read gossip magazines week after week from cover to cover. That's why legions of loyal fans have followed every dip and turn on "Dancing With the Stars" for nearly a decade. And that's why tell-all books by - and about - celebrities shoot to the top of best-seller lists as soon as they're released. Collectors...
The national motto "In God We Trust" has withstood many challenges through the years - including a current lawsuit contesting the legality of using this familiar phrase on U.S. coins and paper money and seeks its removal. The current suit, filed in Ohio in January 2016 by atheist lawyer-activist Michael Newdow, argues that there is no "compelling government interest" in the motto and that...